
Here at KBHST, we strive to give you the best possible treatment to help you advance your progression or recovery.  We can include any of the following treatments below either as stand alone or in a combination.  This will be discussed with your during your consultation.

 Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)
A relaxing treatment using slow, rhythmical, pumping movements to aid the reduction of fluid retention (lymphodema). Generally found in the ankles, lower legs and arms, when the lymphatic system is compromised and channels become blocked from injury, operations.
Treatments times vary from 1 hour to 1.5 hours and are charged at £80 per session.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is the manipulation of soft tissue to assist in correcting problems and imbalances caused from either injury, post op or a dysfunction developed over time due to intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Issues you may be suffering from can be lower back strains, shoulder impingements, neck tension and headaches, knee pain or a general loss of your range of movement in any area.   The application of sports massage helps to improve the muscle re-alignment and reduce or prevent scar tissue formation.

Initial consultation with treatment £75.  Subsequent appointments, £55/hour or 35/half hour.

Dry Needling
A procedure where a fine needle or acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle. It is aimed at myofascial trigger points (MTrP) which are hyper-irritable spots in skeletal muscle that are associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule in a taut band.  Can be used as an additional modality with sports massage.
Can be used as a diagnostic tool to pinpoint stagnation of toxins and areas that are not free flowing of new blood cells. This method allows the tight outer fascia to move more freely and assists with lymphatic flow.  Can be used as an additional modality with sports massage.
Stretch Classes
Based around pilates and yoga, we run numerous weekly sessions around the South Hams.  These classes are designed to aid flexibility, mobility and keep your range of movement  whether for general health or maintenance of sporting activities.  See our "classes" section for full information of times, places and prices.
A complimentary and powerful therapy, working different points on the feet and lower legs to rebalance the body.
HOPI Ear Candle
Hopi are quite different from the conventional candle, they are hollow cotton tubes which are coated in beeswax, honey and therapeutic oils. The candle is inserted into the ear until a vacuum seal has been achieved and feels comfortable for the patient. The candle is then lit, and supported by the therapist as the candle burns down. The patient may experience popping, crackling and a warming sensation into the ear. The benefits of this pleasant treatment is to draw out impurities and relieve pressure in the head and sinuses. It has also been known to help with tinnitus. 

  Home Visits Available

If you are struggling after an op, or need general mobility assistance and help, or even massage treatment, we can arrange to come to your home.


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